12 At-A-Time 4x6 Photo Album
- Initially holds 204 4x6 photos
- Expandable to hold 100s more photos!
This is one of the most popular photo album formats of all time. Each side of the page holds 6 - 4" x 6" photos, allowing 12 photographs to be viewed at a time. This photo album also includes a memo area for each photograph. The covers are finished in washable, leather-like Endurahide® with gold tooling on the cover and spine. Optically clear pockets securely protect photos and all materials are photo-safe.
The photo album initially holds 300 prints and will accept unlimited refills. Available in Black, Navy and Burgundy. Other colors available via special order: Bay Blue, Royal Blue, Hunter Green, White. Overall photo album size is 14.5" x 14".
This photo album can be personalized with custom stamping, which can be found in the Related Products below. Please feel free to call 866-772-7200 if you have questions or need help ordering.
- Custom Foil Stamping$18.00KPSTAMP
- Personalize your photo albums and scrapbooks with hot foil stamping!
- Pricing is per line
- The per line cost includes a $9 setup fee and a $9/line fee
- If printing the same line on multiple albums, please call for custom pricing as there is only one $9 setup fee and then the $9/per line fee x the number of products to be stamped.